Tenwek High School

We Trust in God

Our goals 2025

What do you want to learn today?

If you can imagine, you can do it.

Try to imagine your goal and make paths to achieve it. If you can imagine the process to achieve it and have a clear map in your mind, then no one can stop you to get there.

Problems are actually guidelines to the success.

Do not consider problems as a problem. Observe them as a guideline to success. By this, you are doing what 99 percent of people are not doing.

We are never too old to set new goals.

This is one of the Short inspirational quotes for work. People think that they can’t set goals because they got older and people will make fun of them or they do not have enough confidence to star

Make yourself the best and destiny will do the rest.

Every day you should wake up with the aim to make yourself the best. Destiny gives you opportunities every day in numerous ways. But only those people able to make it who are the best in their field.

Don’t watch the clock. instead do what it does, keep going.

Don’t wait for something to do your work. Learn from the clock to keep going, no matter what the situation is.

Aim for the moon, even if you miss you may hit a star.

You should always try to aim for the biggest opportunity available in your field. Because the biggest opportunity requires more hard work and this will make you deserving enough.

Our goals 2023

Your Career begins here